all postcodes in PO7 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO7 5AA 2 0 50.863517 -1.046634
PO7 5AB 22 3 50.86114 -1.047252
PO7 5AF 9 0 50.8608 -1.047543
PO7 5AG 18 1 50.859198 -1.048471
PO7 5AP 18 0 50.860303 -1.049372
PO7 5AQ 21 0 50.859947 -1.048852
PO7 5AR 5 0 50.868736 -1.04363
PO7 5AS 17 11 50.857927 -1.050357
PO7 5AT 10 0 50.856513 -1.051154
PO7 5AU 10 0 50.855308 -1.052215
PO7 5AX 14 0 50.855618 -1.052763
PO7 5AY 14 0 50.855247 -1.053623
PO7 5AZ 16 0 50.856024 -1.053991
PO7 5BA 18 0 50.856038 -1.052471
PO7 5BB 48 0 50.856877 -1.052752
PO7 5BG 17 0 50.857636 -1.053205
PO7 5BH 30 0 50.859125 -1.052721
PO7 5BJ 6 0 50.868633 -1.043134
PO7 5BL 37 0 50.858682 -1.05138
PO7 5BN 40 0 50.859389 -1.050939